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October 2019 eNews
Weaving Pre-K and Nutrition Together for Lifelong Learning "In the world we live in today with so much nutrition education, there is no reason not to provide these children with healthy foods. If they learn to eat healthy foods now while they are young, they are so much ahead of the health game later in life." ~ Meet Karen Schneider, home child care provider from Overland Park, Kansas. |
Sesame Street CACFP Week Meal Pattern Reference Cards We're teaming up with our friends at Sesame Street in Communities to celebrate CACFP Week March 15-21, 2020! We'll have lots of resources, materials, and fun ways to spread the word about the Child and Adult Care Food Program. Order meal pattern reference cards to distribute or download online. |
USDA Issues Final Rule Delaying Implementation of Grains Ounce Equivalents in the CACFP USDA heard operator concerns about implementing the ounce equivalent rule this year and are responding. On September 25, the final rule, "Delayed Implementation of Grains Ounce Equivalents in the Child and Adult Care Food Program," was published in the Federal Register. The final rule mirrors the proposed rule, simply delaying the implementation date to October 1, 2021. During this period, FNS will develop additional technical assistance materials to better support CACFP providers. It's important to remember, however, that this change has only minor effects on serving amounts, so easing this administrative change is not delaying a significant nutritional benefit. |
October is National Farm to School Month Join thousands of schools, early care and education sites, farms, communities and organizations across the country as they celebrate food education, school gardens and lunch trays filled with healthy, local ingredients. |
Priorities Matter #ProvidersRock #LongDaysShortYears #OctoberCalendarInspiration |
FY20 CACFP & SFSP Area Eligibility Data Available The USDA Area Eligibility Mapper displays census data which can be used for tiering of participating CACFP day care homes and eligibility of SFSP summer sites. |
Shout Out To These New CACFP Professionals We salute our newest CACFP Professionals for their commitment to continued education and improvement! Get Your Certification Today |
Overall, this study provides information on knowledge gaps related to food safety practices in adult day care centers who participate in the CACFP and illuminates the best way for center staff to receive future food safety training and information support. Get The Study Results |
Milk in the CACFP Drinking milk is an important habit for young children and serving them milk is a CACFP meal pattern requirement. Download this flyer to share with your CACFP operators, providers, parents, and staff. |
Trending on Facebook Join the #NationalCACFP community on Facebook for crafts, snacks and other clever ideas shared daily. Get a dose of what's in the news, policy changes, and CACFP specific issues. Resources, printables, and more! Please Forward Share our CACFP Connections with your colleagues and friends so they can get our eNews delivered directly to their inbox! |
CACFP Job Board Do you have a job opportunity in your child nutrition program you would like to share with the CACFP Community? Please contact us and we'll get a short summary and link to your application posted on our website. Email Job Posting Looking for a position? Check our website! |
Find A Food Program Sponsor If you are providing child care and are not already participating in the USDA Child and Adult Care Food Program, we invite you to learn more at Search our Find A Sponsor directory for organizations in your neighborhood who can get you enrolled today so you can receive reimbursement for the meals you are already serving. |
If you are providing an enrichment program for at-risk kids afterschool and are not already participating in the USDA CACFP, start today! It's as easy as 1, 2, 3: 1. Find A Sponsor2. Take Attendance3. Serve Nutritious Snack, Supper, and MealsSearch our Afterschool Meals Sponsor directory for organizations in your neighborhood who can get you enrolled today so you can receive reimbursement for the meals you are already serving. |
More Resources Available at |
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