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November 2019 eNews
Ounce Equivalents for Grains Training Sheet Check out USDA's Team Nutrition training sheet! Ounce equivalents tell you the amount of grain in a portion of food. Although the food program requirement is delayed until October 2021, you can get started recognizing serving sizes now. |
Building a Foundation for Learning With Natural Nutrition "When the body and mind are taken care of, the learning happens organically and spontaneously." ~ Meet Adrian and Ruby Abascal, home child care providers from Austin, Texas. |
Financial Viability Training Webinar for Sponsors Don't miss out on this animated, self-paced, interactive and informative online course about Financial Viability! Get an overview of the CACFP Performance Standards and focus on the requirements specific to financial viability. Learn various ways to demonstrate and evaluate financial viability as well as identify the appropriate records to maintain. The enrollment key is "CORE" (case sensitive). CEUs available for CACFP CMP certification. |
Celebrating CACFP All Year Long Native American Month Looking for activity flyers you can send to parents or providers to help spread the word about CACFP while sharing fun activities centered around days of celebration? Members have access to a library of activity pages! Here's one from us to you to share today. |
USDA Training Webinar In-Grained: Easy Tools to Determine Serving Amounts This webinar will focus on tools that can be used to determine how much of a grain item is needed to meet CACFP meal pattern requirements. Submit questions to the presenters and check your knowledge through interactive polling. CEUs for CACFP Professional Certification offered. |
Sesame Street CACFP Week Meal Pattern Reference Cards Order CACFP meal pattern reference cards to distribute or download online. |
Nutrition Education Healthy Birthday Choices Birthdays are to be celebrated. That doesn't mean you need to serve cake and ice cream. Here are some healthy alternatives that will make every child feel just as special on their big day! |
Priorities Matter #ProvidersRock #LongDaysShortYears #NovemberCalendarInspiration |
Shout Out To These New CACFP Professionals When parents are looking for a child care provider or child care providers are looking for a sponsoring agency, and when you're hiring staff for your CACFP agency, candidates with the CACFP Professionals Certification stand out.We salute our newest CACFP Professionals for their commitment to continued education and improvement! |
CACFP Buyers' Guide Online Everything you need in one place! Are you looking for food service companies, insurance, technology resources or educational materials, but don't know where to look? Coming next month, NCA will launch the Buyer's Guide in our marketplace - a place to look for companies that help support the CACFP. Interested in advertising in the NCA Buyer's Guide? The Buyer's Guide is a great place to advertise your company, business or organization to our network of child nutrition stakeholders. Your company name and website link will be listed for twelve months in the category of your choice. |
Top Five Tips for Picky Eaters Every kid is a picky eater at some point or another. It's not only a challenge for parents at home but it's also a struggle for child care providers. While we can't promise your kids will be jumping at the chance to try brussel sprouts or liver and onions, we can offer some strategies that may help. |
Conference Registration Open Register by December 5th for lowest rate of $275! Three days of networking, training, and a-ha moments for the CACFP & SFSP communities. Workshops, learning excursions and institutes, featured speakers, USDA sessions, exhibit hall and more. |
Trending on Facebook Join the #NationalCACFP community on Facebook for crafts, snacks and other clever ideas shared daily. Get a dose of what's in the news, policy changes, and CACFP specific issues. Resources, printables, and more! Please Forward Share our CACFP Connections with your colleagues and friends so they can get our eNews delivered directly to their inbox! |
Industry Partner Spotlight Peterson Farms is a family-owned fruit company based in Michigan that provides CACFP creditable fruit products to fit your needs. They specialize in fresh apple slices and applesauce cups and are partners with many national, state and local organizations including NCA. |
Industry Partner Spotlight Food & Supply Source assists child care centers by saving them money and time on their purchases. Typical customers realize a 10-35% savings on food and supply costs by utilizing F&SS lower price margins within the network of vetted distributors. Their mission is to provide centers across the US with access to the CACFP products they need at the pricing they deserve. All services are available at no cost - savings and CACFP support for free. |
Sweet Potato Hash 1 tablespoon olive oil * 1/2 sweet onion, diced * 2 lbs sweet potatoes, peeled and diced petitely * 2 tablespoons water * 3 large eggs Sauté the onion in oil until thoroughly softened and then stir in the sweet potato and water. Cover pot and cook on medium-high heat for 10-15 minutes until the potatoes are cooked. Make three cavities with the back of a spoon and crack in the eggs. Cover again, cook 5 minutes until the eggs have set, and scramble them into the potatoes. Serve immediately. |
Crediting Smoothies in CACFP Commercially prepared smoothies can now contribute to the meat/meat alternate, fruit, vegetable, and milk components of the federal meal requirements for all child nutrition programs. FNS permits the crediting of any vegetables contained in smoothies. Pureed vegetables and fruits, (fresh, frozen, or canned), when served in a smoothie, credit as juice, and as such are subject to the limitations regarding juice service. Vegetables from the dry beans and peas subgroup may credit toward the vegetable meal pattern requirement as vegetable juice when served in a smoothie. |
More About Membership Sponsors and agencies, be sure to renew your membership for continued access to resources and member discounts. Want to join our association for the first time? Learn more about the benefits of membership and decide which membership is the best fit for your organization. |
Just A Few Left! Less than $4 per provider 2020 CACFP Training Program & Nutrition Calendar
We've got your 2020 CACFP training covered with our Circus Acts: Lessons for Life Training Program with nutrition calendar and program materials. Order Your 2020 CACFP Training Program Now |
NCA Executive Board Elected Serving as the executive committee from October 2019-September 2021 are: President, Kati Wagner, Wildwood CACFP Vice President, Robin Paul, Mid-Michigan Child Care Treasurer, Melissa Moore, Family League of Baltimore Secretary, Rhonda Kobylecky, Acelero Learning The experience, talent, passion, and commitment these women share for the CACFP is inspiring. They are excited to serve in leadership roles for the entire membership and participate in development of programs, activities, and policy positions. Our Daily Bread's President and Founder, Senta Hester, continues in an advisory role to the Board of Directors as Immediate Past President. |
Find A Food Program Sponsor If you are providing child care and are not already participating in the USDA Child and Adult Care Food Program, we invite you to learn more at Search our Find A Sponsor directory for organizations in your neighborhood who can get you enrolled today so you can receive reimbursement for the meals you are already serving. |
CACFP Job Board Do you have a job opportunity in your child nutrition program you would like to share with the CACFP Community? Email Job Posting Looking for a position? Check our website! NCA is seeking a policy specialist and a nutrition educator to join our team. |
If you are providing an enrichment program for at-risk kids afterschool and are not already participating in the USDA CACFP, start today! It's as easy as 1, 2, 3: 1. Find A Sponsor2. Take Attendance3. Serve Nutritious Snack, Supper, and MealsSearch our Afterschool Meals Sponsor directory for organizations in your neighborhood who can get you enrolled today so you can receive reimbursement for the meals you are already serving. |
More Resources Available at |