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November 2018 eNews
Milk... Part of a Healthy Eating Pattern Drinking milk is an important habit for young children and serving them milk at meals is a CACFP requirement. We partnered with the Dairy Council of California to develop this Milk Tips flyer for sponsors, providers, and parents to learn more about the benefits of dairy milk and to reinforce the milk requirements for each age. |
Grain-Based Desserts in the CACFP Thursday, November 15, 2018 English 2:00-2:30 PM ET Spanish 3:00-3:30 PM ET Join USDA's Team Nutrition to learn more about how to identify grain-based desserts and use this knowledge to plan menus that meet program requirements. |
WGR: Whole Grain-Rich The Word on Whole Grain We have developed several nutrition education flyers to help the CACFP Community understand and identify Whole Grain-Rich as defined by USDA FNS. Here's our Whole Grain 101 & #CACFPCreditable Recipe. Download English & Spanish One-Page Reference Here's a great 8-page guide to help really understand the ways to identify Whole Grain-Rich products. |
Priorities Matter #ProvidersRock #LongDaysShortYears #NovemberCalendarInspiration Get The Poster |
CACFP|Afterschool|Summer Meals National Training & Networking Get the 20-page conference program preview, check out the training, see who's exhibiting, read about featured programming, and make plans today! Join over 1,500 colleagues for the 2019 National Child Nutrition Conference in Chicago, IL April 23 - 25, 2019. Only $225 for three days of training, networking, and professional development when member organizations register by December 15! |
Celebrating CACFP All Year Long Native American Heritage Month Looking for activity flyers you can send to parents or providers to help spread the word about CACFP while sharing fun activities centered around days of celebration? Members have access to a library of activity pages! Here's one from us to you to share today. |
CACFP Professionals Certification When parents are looking for a child care provider or child care providers are looking for a sponsoring agency, and when you're hiring staff for your CACFP agency, candidates with the CACFP Professionals Certification stand out. |
USDA FNS CACFP Guidance Guidance for FY19: Updated CACFP Meal Patterns and Updated NSLP and SBP Infant and Preschool Meal Patterns Effective Date: October 1, 2018 (FY 2019) Summary Understanding that new meal pattern implementation has been difficult for many State Agencies and Sponsoring Organizations, USDA FNS has issued a memo strongly encouraging continued corrective action over fiscal action where appropriate. However, if a meal misses an entire required food component, the meal must still be disallowed. Check with your Sponsor or State Agency to learn how this affects you locally. Why It Matters Times of transition can be difficult. We are all here to feed children the healthiest meals possible and sometimes need extra technical assistance to ensure we are operating the program with the highest level of integrity and nutrition possible. By continuing to support one another through technical assistance, we can ensure our efforts feed every child in need. |
NATIONAL ALLY WELCOME Nemours Children's Health System Healthy Kids, Healthy Future Nemours' mission is to help children grow up healthy, so they promote policy, environmental and systems change at the population level to create healthier environments in all the places children live, learn and play - partnering with multiple sectors such as education, early education, and even agriculture, transportation and more. Get To Know Them |
INDUSTRY PARTNER SPOTLIGHT JA Foodservice JA Foodservice has been serving feeding programs since 1993. They distribute thousands of meals per day to schools, Boys and Girls Clubs, food banks and more. JA Foodservice has been providing affordable USDA funded Shelf Stable Meal Kits for 10 years working with CACFP and SFSP sponsors all over the United States. |
CACFP Job Board Do you have a job opportunity in your child nutrition program you would like to share with the CACFP Community? Please contact us and we'll get a short summary and link to your application posted on our website. Email Job Posting |
Trending on Facebook Join the #NationalCACFP community on Facebook for crafts, snacks and other clever ideas shared daily. Get a dose of what's in the news, policy changes, and CACFP specific issues. Resources, printables, and more! Check It Out Please Forward Share our CACFP Connections with your colleagues and friends so they can get our eNews delivered directly to their inbox! Subscribe Here |
Find A Food Program Sponsor If you are providing child care and are not already participating in the USDA Child and Adult Care Food Program, we invite you to learn more at Search our Find A Sponsor directory for organizations in your neighborhood who can get you enrolled today so you can receive reimbursement for the meals you are already serving. |
Sponsors and agencies, be sure to renew your membership for continued access to resources and member discounts. Want to join our association for the first time? Learn more about the benefits of membership and decide which membership is the best fit for your organization. |
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