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March 2019 eNews

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March 2019 eNews

Making Connections: Red Beans, MyPlate, and Parent Engagement

"If you are looking for a child to be successful, it is a process. Sometimes we dismiss the significance of the day-to-day instruction, but then you start to see all of the children's accomplishments." ~ Meet Monica Jackson, home child care provider from Springfield, Virginia.

Send Us Your Videos

Do you have a video of your CACFP, Afterschool Meals, or the Summer Food Service Program in action? Share with us! We are featuring them on the big screen for over 1,600 attendees at the National Conference in Chicago this April. 

Videos To Showcase

Priorities Matter

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Update Social Media for #CACFPWEEK March 17-23, 2019

March 13, 2019
Creative Online Learning Strategies to Engage Providers

The Iowa Department of Education, Massachusetts Department of Education, and the Nebraska Department of Education will share their experiences in developing and implementing online learning modules for their CACFP operators and providers.

USDA Webinars

Wednesday, March 20th
2:00 PM Eastern
March 20, 2019
Navigating the Food Buying Guide Calculator Webinar
USDA FNS Team Nutrition is excited to demonstrate and provide in-depth practice for using the FBG Calculator, a new feature designed to create a shopping list to assist all Child Nutrition program operators when ordering food for their programs. Program operators will be able to create and use their shopping list on-the-go. One hour CEU awarded toward CACFP Professionals Certification.

USDA Webinars

March 21, 2019
Identifying Whole Grain-Rich Foods in the CACFP, Part 2

This USDA Team Nutrition webinar will focus on how Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) operators can use a food's ingredient list to identify whole grain-rich items for their menus, with a focus on how to treat flour blends when applying the Rule of Three.

Thirty on Thursdays

National Anti-Hunger Policy Conference & Walking The Hill in Washington

NCA VP Kati Wagner of Wildwood CACFP CO & WY, President, Senta Hester of Our Daily Bread CACFP TN & KY, and Immediate Past President Vicki Lipscomb of Child Nutrition Programs NC, shared the CACFP story with eight members of congress last month and were thrilled with the reception and support for child food programs. With the help of our industry partner JA Foodservice, we were able to create a stunning visual of the work each of you do every day to provide access to healthy foods to over 4.5 million children daily.

Ounce Equivalents, Crediting Handbook, Feeding Infants in the CACFP Guide
The USDA Food and Nutrition Service team is working on training materials and guides to provide tools and the information you need to successfully operate or administrate the food program. Stay tuned! These are expected to be available this spring. In person training is also available at the National Child Nutrition Conference in Chicago April 23-25.

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Gilman Cheese

Gilman Cheese is the leader in high end, clean label shelf stable cheeses. From its one location in the Village of Gilman, WI, the team members strive to create the best tasting and most consumer friendly cheese in the world. All ingredients are non-GMO and no artificial colors or flavorings are used. All cheeses are CNA approved m/ma protein sources.

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Food Services Group

Food Services Group is a community nutritional management consulting group. FSG's focus is improving health and quality of life through integration of programs affiliated with food, nutrition, nutrition education, counseling, physical assessments, health & wellness, management and food policy. Our philosophy is bringing management efficiency to community nutrition programs and food service divisions. Creating healthier communities one program at a time.

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National School Breakfast Week
Every year, the School Nutrition Association sponsors National School Breakfast Week (NSBW) during the first full week in March. Find the SNA resources you will need to make your celebration a success, while highlighting the importance of school breakfast.

Download this poster from USDA FNS Team Nutrition and hang it up today to celebrate the importance of breakfast in your schools!

Get The Poster

Shout Out To These New CACFP Professionals
When parents are looking for a child care provider or child care providers are looking for a sponsoring agency, and when you're hiring staff for your CACFP agency, candidates with the CACFP Professionals Certification stand out.

We salute our newest CACFP Professionals for their commitment to continued education and improvement!

Get Your Certification Today

Trending on Facebook

Join the #NationalCACFP community on Facebook for crafts, snacks and other clever ideas shared daily. Get a dose of what's in the news, policy changes, and CACFP specific issues. Resources, printables, and more!

Check It Out

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CACFP Job Board

Do you have a job opportunity in your child nutrition program you would like to share with the CACFP Community? Please contact us and we'll get a short summary and link to your application posted on our website. Email Job Posting

Looking for a position? Check our website!

2019 #CACFPWeek Is In Two Weeks! Ready?

Get resources at

More About Membership

Sponsors and agencies, be sure to renew your membership for continued access to resources and member discounts. 

Want to join our association for the first time? Learn more about the benefits of membership and decide which membership is the best fit for your organization.

Find A Food Program Sponsor

If you are providing child care and are not already participating in the USDA Child and Adult Care Food Program, we invite you to learn more at 

Search our Find A Sponsor directory for organizations in your neighborhood who can get you enrolled today so you can receive reimbursement for the meals you are already serving.

Find A Sponsor 

Get Reimbursed for Serving Afterschool Meals

If you are providing an enrichment program for at-risk kids afterschool and are not already participating in the USDA CACFP, start today! It's as easy as 1, 2, 3:

1. Find A Sponsor

2. Take Attendance

3. Serve Nutritious Snack, Supper, and Meals

Search our Afterschool Meals Sponsor directory for organizations in your neighborhood who can get you enrolled today so you can receive reimbursement for the meals you are already serving.

Why Attend the National Child Nutrition Conference?

If you haven't made plans yet to get to Chicago this April for the National Child Nutrition Conference, today's the day! It's three days of professional development for the people who make the CACFP, Afterschool, and Summer Food Service Program possible for 7 million children across America and who ensure that every child has access to food.

More Resources Available at
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