Try out these #CACFPCreditable snack combinations when you plan your next grocery trip:
Sugar snap peas and cheese cubes
Avocado and tomato slices on toast
Cucumber and cantaloupe salad
Roasted chickpeas and mango chunks
Corn salsa and tortilla chips
Congratulations to These CACFP Professionals
Candidates with the CACFP Professional designation stand out among the crowd. If you're looking to enhance your professional image, check out our Certification Program. You may already qualify!
Beginners' Guide to the Five Meal Pattern Components
If you're new to the CACFP or just want a quick refresher, we're covering the five food components that make up the meal service requirements: grains, fruits, vegetables, meats/meat alternates and fluid milk. This webinar on Thursday, February 22, is free to NCA members and $12 for non-members. Not a member? Join today.
CACFP Week is coming up next month - you can get a head start on preparing by downloading our free activity pages. Have some fun while teaching kids about the importance of good nutrition.
Butter Buds provides no cook sauce options for Butter, Alfredo & Cheddar sauces with zero or 1gm fat per serving. Also offered are Buttermist & Garlic Buttermist, two 450° high temperature food & pan release sprays. Items are perfect for kitchens having limited equipment and/or staff. Look to Butter Buds for your saucing solutions!