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December 2017 eNews
From Our Office to Yours Day in and day out, all year long, members of the child nutrition community are giving their heart, sharing their passion, and creating healthy futures. We want to acknowledge you and thank you. Wishing you the best of holidays! |
USDA Seeking Public Comment for CACFP Food Crediting The USDA has issued a public invitation to submit ideas on food crediting, the system that defines how each food item fits into a meal for the CACFP and other federal child nutrition programs. The Board of the National CACFP Sponsors Association will develop and share a model comment response in early January. "This is an important issue," acting Deputy Under Secretary of USDA's Food Nutrition and Consumer Services Brandon Lipps said. "How food is credited plays a critical role in what America's children eat at school, in day care, and during the summer. Crediting decisions have an impact on schools and daycares, industry, and most importantly, our children, so we want to be as informed as possible." Electronic comments are preferred and may be submitted at the Federal Register today through February 12, 2018. Read More |
Jennifer Baumann, CACFP Family Home Child Care Provider Jennifer Baumann was settling into her new life as a stay at home mom after moving to Chadron, NE. When friends and neighbors asked for help caring for their children, Jennifer decided to become licensed and open her own home child care. Little Angels Day Care has been open for almost 18 years and for Jennifer, it is all about the relationships that are built. "Having relationships is the primary basis for this profession. Whether it is the relationships with children, their parents, or other providers it can all lead to different successes down the road." |
Make Puffy Snowflakes We've created a set of seasonal activity pages for the CACFP Community to share with providers, center staff, afterschool programs, and families! Celebrate winter, get kids moving with Mitten Match, cook up a winter stew, and share CACFP best practices. |
Sample Cycle Menus Here are two sample cycle menus: one for infants, and the other for children ages one and up. We have developed these to help you plan your calendar with creditable recipes that meet the New Meal Pattern guidelines. These are popular with providers so print and share or just forward this email! Visit us at for recipes, serving sizes, and other CACFP creditable information. |
USDA Recipe Project The USDA is embarking on a new recipe project and is looking for breakfast and snack ideas that illustrate the Child and Adult Care Food Program meal patterns that went into effect October 1, 2017. Recipes submitted for consideration should include fruits and vegetables, the use of meat or meat alternates as substitutes for grains at breakfast, and/or as tasty alternatives to grain-based desserts. Ideally, recipes should be easy to prepare, contain 5 major ingredients or less and take less than 30 minutes to cook. Please submit recipes by December 31, 2017. Email Recipe |
Conference Workshops Added We've added another 10 hours of workshops to the agenda! Attend the National Child Nutrition Conference next April. |
National Child Nutrition Conference Scholarships The application for scholarships to the 2018 National Child Nutrition Conference is open now through Wednesday January 24, 2018. Thanks to the sponsorship of the National Child Nutrition Foundation, fifteen winners will receive complimentary conference registration, lodging and $300 towards travel. Scholarships are available in all the following categories: CACFP Sponsoring Agency, Head Start, School District, Food Bank, Tribal Nation, At-Risk/Afterschool, Summer Food, Child Care Center/Home Provider. |
National Ally Welcome National Yogurt Association Founded in 1986, the National Yogurt Association (NYA) is the national nonprofit trade association representing producers of yogurt products as well as suppliers to the yogurt industry. NYA sponsors scientific research regarding the health benefits associated with the consumption of yogurt with live and active cultures ("LAC") and serves as an information resource for the American public about these attributes. Learn More |
Industry Partner Welcome MH Miles Company, CPA PC MH Miles Company, CPA PC (MHMC) has more than 11 years of experience in providing audit, consulting, investigation, and compliance monitoring services for the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) and the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP). Learn More |
National Ally Welcome Common Threads Founded in 2003, Common Threads brings health and wellness to children, families and communities through cooking and nutrition education. By integrating preventative health programs into school districts and community organizations, Common Threads not only helps combat the rising number of diet-related diseases, but also cultivates a culture the embraces a healthier lifestyle and celebrates diversity through food. Connect with Common Threads to bring their resources and programs to your students! Learn More |
Industry Partner Welcome Food Services Group Food Services Group specializes in Green House, Community Gardening and Classroom Gardening programs for After School and Extended Day. This curriculum is a beautiful hands-on gardening program that serves as the perfect way for kids to get outside and learn about the wonderful world of plants. Taught by FSG's Green House Educators we are in Schools, Private Child Cares and all CACFP sponsored sites including Head Start, Special Education, Early Learn & UPK. Learn More |
CACFP Job Board Do you have a job opportunity in your child nutrition program you would like to share with the CACFP Community? Please contact us and we'll get a short summary and link to your application posted on our website. Email Job Posting Looking for a position? Check the listings.Be sure to get a competitive advantage and get your CACFP Professional Certification! Learn More |
Trending on Facebook Join the #NationalCACFP community on facebook for crafts, snacks and other clever ideas shared daily. Get a dose of what's in the news, policy changes, and CACFP specific issues. Resources, printables, and more! Check It Out Please Forward Share our CACFP Connections with your colleagues and friends so they can get our eNews delivered directly to their inbox! Subscribe Here Find A Sponsor Looking to join the food program? Find a Sponsor and receive reimbursement for serving healthy foods! Find A Sponsor |