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August 2019 eNews
Nutrition is the Foundation for Growing Healthy Children "I believe in the children and want to teach them. In order for them to learn, the first step in our day is to start with good nutrition. It helps them to be alert, active and ready to learn." ~ Meet Caridad Hernandez, home child care provider from Hazelton, Pennsylvania. |
Comment Deadline August 15, 2019 Serious Deficiency If you haven't submitted a comment yet to the USDA FNS about the Serious Deficiency Process, today is the day! Here is the Request For Information background and several sample comments in Word you can personalize before your submit to USDA. Short on time? Copy and paste this paragraph: The Serious Deficiency process should be used to address severe and pervasive issues of program non-compliance that critically impact program integrity and not applied when addressing minor infractions which are often human error and can be corrected with training and technical assistance. Serious Deficiency should be appealable. |
Drink Up! Get Water Tool-kit Grow Healthy Kids: Just Add Water is a 23-page toolkit to help care givers teach the importance of drinking water and encouraging them to drink more. We have created a full week of fun, water-themed activities for you to incorporate into your curriculum. |
CACFP Reimbursement & Cash-In-Lieu Rates Published USDA recently published the 2019-2020 payment rates for meals and snacks served in child care centers, outside-school-hours care centers, at-risk afterschool care centers, and adult day care centers; the food service payment rates for meals and snacks served in day care homes; and the administrative reimbursement rates for sponsoring organizations. |
Join Team Nutrition's CACFP Organization NetworkTeam Nutrition CACFP Organizations can now order Discover New Food decals. Not a member yet? Learn about the Team Nutrition CACFP Organization Network and sign up today. |
Priorities Matter #ProvidersRock #LongDaysShortYears #AugustCalendarInspiration |
On October 1, these four members of the National CACFP Sponsors Association will begin their three-year term on the Board of Directors. Our association is committed to making a difference in the CACFP community and serving as the national platform for education, training, and advocacy for the food program. The Board's primary responsibility is to develop the widest possible support and community involvement for the CACFP. We are grateful to all who offered their time to serve the CACFP community as leaders of the association. |
Shout Out To These New CACFP Professionals When parents are looking for a child care provider or child care providers are looking for a sponsoring agency, and when you're hiring staff for your CACFP agency, candidates with the CACFP Professionals Certification stand out.We salute our newest CACFP Professionals for their commitment to continued education and improvement! Get Your Certification Today |
Start Simple with MyPlate Start Simple with MyPlate and get tips, ideas and a personalized plan to meet your food group targets. Find what works for you and your family within your food preferences, health goals, and budget. Get started with tips from the MyPlate Food Groups. Or, jump down to Start Simple with MyPlate resources. |
Now Accepting Workshop Proposals We invite you to share your story, expertise, experience and passion with our attendees at the 2020 Conference. Over 150 hours of workshops and training are provided during the three-day annual event for over 1,700 members of the child nutrition community. |
Tell Your Story in the Exhibit Hall Universities, non-profit organizations, food councils, manufacturers, Team Nutrition, training and education resource specialists, child care products and software companies. All with a message, product, or service for the child nutrition community are welcome! Join us in Atlanta in April 2020. |
2020 CACFP Training Program & Nutrition Calendar We have a few for anyone who hasn't yet ordered these for their child care providers, centers, Head Start and afterschool teams. Only $4 each. |
Trending on Facebook Join the #NationalCACFP community on Facebook for crafts, snacks and other clever ideas shared daily. Get a dose of what's in the news, policy changes, and CACFP specific issues. Resources, printables, and more! Please Forward Share our CACFP Connections with your colleagues and friends so they can get our eNews delivered directly to their inbox! |
CACFP Job Board Do you have a job opportunity in your child nutrition program you would like to share with the CACFP Community? Please contact us and we'll get a short summary and link to your application posted on our website. Email Job Posting |
Find A Food Program Sponsor If you are providing child care and are not already participating in the USDA Child and Adult Care Food Program, we invite you to learn more at Search our Find A Sponsor directory for organizations in your neighborhood who can get you enrolled today so you can receive reimbursement for the meals you are already serving. |
If you are providing an enrichment program for at-risk kids afterschool and are not already participating in the USDA CACFP, start today! It's as easy as 1, 2, 3: 1. Find A Sponsor2. Take Attendance3. Serve Nutritious Snack, Supper, and MealsSearch our Afterschool Meals Sponsor directory for organizations in your neighborhood who can get you enrolled today so you can receive reimbursement for the meals you are already serving. |
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