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October 20, 2020 eNews
Farm to School Grant Available to CACFP Operators If you've been looking for a grant to start an Edible Garden program at your CACFP site, the USDA might have the answer. They are awarding $10 million through the 2021 grant program. |
Farm to Table: Fresh Foods & Garden Tools Introducing children to fruits and veggies early has long-term, positive impacts on health, wellness and social and emotional skills. We're sharing resources to engage kids with fresh foods and garden tools. |
Quick & Easy Bean Soup 1 can (28 oz) petite diced tomatoes1 can (15 oz) black beans1 can (15.5 oz) cannelini beans1 can (16 oz) garbanzo beans3 cups frozen corn3 cups vegetable or chicken broth1 packet of taco or enchilada seasoning Combine all ingredients in pot and heat on stove top for 15 minutes. Serve with ¾ c milk and roll for 12 children, ages 1-5, for lunch or supper. #CACFPCREDITABLE |
Motivation Moment #ProvidersRock #LongDaysShortYears |
USDA Extends Free Meals for All Kids The USDA's most recent COVID waiver extends the Summer Food Service Program & Seamless Summer Options through the school year 2020-2021 to allow schools and other sites to continue to provide meals at no cost to all children. |
CACFP Professionals Certification Spotlight Do you have experience with the food program and regularly expand your knowledge with continuing education? You may already qualify for your professional certification! |
Calculating Ounce Equivalents of Grains in the CACFP Grains are an important part of meals in the CACFP and to make sure children and adults get enough grains at meals and snacks, minimum required amounts for grains are listed in the meal pattern as ounce equivalents (oz eq). Ounce equivalents tell you the amount of grain in a portion of food. Try out this new training worksheet that gives step-by-step directions for calculating amounts of grains needed to meet CACFP meal pattern requirements. |
Virtual Training Academy This is the fourth session presented as part of the Virtual Training Academy happening next week! Nonprofit management is key to operating a successful organization. Learn how to motivate staff, evaluate employee performance, manage generational diversity, and lead your team. Whether you are new to a management role or are looking for tools to be more effective, this training will offer you solutions and resources to use immediately. |
Buyer's Guide & Ally Resources Get good news and resources from child nutrition community organizations, find easy-to-order food and supplies, and learn about companies who can provide solutions to your CACFP & SFSP operations. |
Member Resources NCA Members have access to a library of holiday activity pages. They make teaching children about healthy food choices fun, include a recipe, and ideas for craft and physical activities. |
Find a Food Program Sponsor Providing child care and are not already participating in the USDA Child and Adult Care Food Program? Search our Find A Sponsor directory for organizations in your neighborhood who can get you enrolled today so you can receive reimbursement for the meals you are already serving. |
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