Getting Ready for the Updated Sugar Limits in Cereals
March 7 is National Cereal Day. Try out a yummy snack mix recipe from USDA, and make sure to choose a breakfast cereal that is #CACFPCreditable. Don't forget! The sugar limit will be changing from total sugars to added sugars on October 1. Here are some resources to get you up to speed.
Take the CACFP Week Social Media Challenge for a chance to win a $100 gift card. Simply post a creditable snack to social media during CACFP Week, March 16-22, with the hashtags #CACFPWeek and #NCASuperSnack and tag us at the @NationalCACFP account. That's it! We can't wait to see what you're serving up.
Join us for a free webinar during CACFP Week where you'll hear stories about what the CACFP community is doing to share its message. Tune in on Zoom on Tuesday, March 18, and get inspired for the rest of CACFP Week!
The American Diabetes Association® (ADA)is the nation’s leading voluntary health organization fighting to change the curve on the diabetes epidemic and help people living with diabetes thrive. For more than 80 years, the ADA has been driving discovery and research to treat, manage, and prevent diabetes while working relentlessly for a cure. They help people with diabetes thrive by developing programs, advocacy, and education designed to improve their quality of life.
Industry Partner Spotlight
KTC Distribution provides a wide variety of refrigerated and shelf stable meals that are all CACFP approved. Their goal is to provide a well balanced supper meal to school children while helping to decrease the work burden on school cafeteria workers. KTC provides all documentation needed on each meal to assist Child Nutrition directors in submitting claims for reimbursement. They are committed to serving our customer's needs and to follow our motto of "More Than Just a Meal".
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Connect with other attendees at the National Child Nutrition Conference by attending our shop talks! These unscripted, dynamic small-group conversations are a wonderful way to share stories and learn from other professionals who are facing the same challenges and opportunities as you on a daily basis.