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June 9, 2020 eNews
Summer Smoothie 2 cups yogurt, peach* 1 1/2 cups pineapple juice 23.5 oz. jar mandarin oranges, in 100% juice *Be sure to choose a flavor that meets the CACFP yogurt sugar limits. |
USDA Webinar: Mealtimes with Toddlers Get practical tips for how CACFP operators can meet meal pattern requirements while addressing a toddler's developmental needs. This includes assisting children in learning how to feed themselves, encouraging children to try new foods, serving the right type of milk in the CACFP to different age groups, increasing exposure to a variety of vegetables and fruits, and more! Can't make it? The recording will be made available online. |
USDA Issues Extensions to Nationwide Waivers Child Nutrition Monitoring waivers have been extended to August 31, 2020. Read More Meal Pattern Flexibility waiver has been extend to July 31, 2020. As always, check with your state agency for further guidance. |
CACFP Professionals Certification Spotlight Do you have experience with the food program and regularly expand your knowledge with continuing education? You may already qualify for your professional certification! |
Buyer's Guide & Ally Resources Get good news and resources from child nutrition community organizations, find easy-to-order food and supplies, and learn about companies who can provide solutions to your CACFP & SFSP operations. |
Pandemic Response: Head Start Delivers Thrive to Five, a Head Start Program in PA, was closed due to COVID but knew there were children that relied on the daily meals they typically served. So the staff immediately got together to set up a meal distribution plan. Each week they package meals, diapers, and wipes for delivery or curbside pickup. We also reach out to all of our families to keep the lines of communication open. ~ Missy Richwine |
Last Chance to Order CACFP Training @less than $4 per site We've got your CACFP training covered with our Life in 3D: Play, Art, and Nutrition calendar and program materials:
Earn the MyPlate Birthday Challenge Badge Are you are up for a 9-day streak challenge by completing at least one food group goal, 9 days in a row? Earn MyPlate's 9th Birthday Challenge badge and share your success with others. Tag @MyPlate and use the hashtag #StartSimplewithMyPlate on social media. Only in June! |
2020 Board of Directors Nominees |
Featured Member Resource There are Good People Everywhere. NCA members can access the Community Helpers activity pages, motivation poster series, newsletter templates, and learn about over sixty professions with fun worksheets. |
Financial Relief for the CACFP Community The House passed the bill that would give financial relief to child care providers, centers, afterschool programs, emergency shelters, and sponsoring organizations. The Senate has not moved forward with it at all. Ask them to pass the bill and provide aid now. |
Join the Food Program Serving meals and snacks in your family home care or child/adult care center? Join the food program today to get funds as reimbursement for serving #cacfpcreditable meals and snacks. |
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