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July 26, 2022 eNews

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July 26, 2022 eNews

Rates of Reimbursement and Cash in Lieu Rates Released

The USDA has released the Rates of Reimbursement and the Cash In Lieu rates, effective July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023. This includes an additional 10 cents per meal and snack authorized by the Keep Kids Fed Act (KKFA). KKFA also allows Tier II day care homes to be reimbursed at Tier I rates. 

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Easy Zucchini Lasagna

Celebrate National Lasagna Day on July 29! This is an especially wonderful recipe to try out if you've been growing your own zucchini that's ready to harvest. Each serving provides 1 oz equivalent of meat alternate, 1/2 cup vegetable and 1/2 oz eq. of grains.

Get the Recipes for 6, 25 or 50 Servings in English and Spanish

Harvesting Your CACFP Garden

Need to know how to harvest zucchini for your lasagna, or other crops that you've grown this year? Check out part four of our series on gardening in the CACFP. Get the scoop on when to harvest, how to harvest, and food safety tips.

Get Harvesting

Healthy Meals, Healthy Kids Act

Last week, the Healthy Meals, Healthy Kids Act was introduced. This child nutrition reauthorization bill makes improvements to the CACFP and other child nutrition programs and includes the addition of a 4th meal/snack for child care.

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Act Fast - Place Your Orders for the Child Nutrition Today Magazine

Orders for the 2022-2023 Child Nutrition Today Magazine close on August 9. This 16-page resource includes articles on meal service fun, celebrating cultural foods, why iron matters, how to reduce sodium and more! Each issue also comes with a FREE copy of our Whole Grain-Rich Quick Guide.

Order Today

CACFP Professionals Spotlight

We're here to help you fully understand the CACFP. As Barbara Brown and Bernie Person can attest, getting your CACFP Professional Certification offers many benefits when it comes to implementing the food program.

Find Out If You Qualify Today

Special Diets Boot Camp

Join us on Zoom for this two-day event as we tackle the most common topics surrounding special diets in the CACFP.

Tuesday-Wednesday, August 30-31, 2022

11:00 am - 3:30 pm Eastern (Tuesday)

11:00 am - 4:30 pm Eastern (Wednesday)

Register Today

Let's Celebrate Summer Meals

The fifth installment of USDA's Summer Food, Summer Moves toolkit focuses on how you can be healthy while celebrating during the summer months. Get activities and healthy recipes that you can use at your next get-together.

Download the Toolkit

Facebook Trending

Join the #NationalCACFP community on Facebook for crafts, snacks and other clever ideas shared daily. Get a dose of what's in the news, policy changes and CACFP-specific issues. Resources, printables, partner resources and more!

@NationalCACFP on Facebook

Drink Like an Elephant

Summer months mean summer heat. Make sure your participants are getting enough water to drink with this fun craft that will let them drink like an elephant!

Download the Activity Page

Featured Member Resource

Sometimes, we just need a little motivation during the day. We've got a great collection of posters for print and social media images for sharing on our website. NCA members can also access our exclusive collections from our calendars, including this yea'rs Imagination Station. Become a member to download, print and share these motivational moments today.

Access Member Resources

We're Hiring!

Would you like to work from home and join the team at NCA? We're currently looking to fill two positions.

If you enjoy managing multiple priorities, owning project success and understanding big picture needs, consider applying for the Executive Assistant & Administrator position.

Learn More and Apply for Executive Assistant & Administrator

We're also searching for a Partnership Development Associate, who will solicit and manage mutually beneficial partnerships to further support the work of NCA and its members.

Learn More and Apply for Partnership Development Associate

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