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January 2020 eNews
No Child Left Out "I want to treat all of the children like they are my own and do for them what I wanted to do for my granddaughter. Everyone is involved in every activity in some way. No one is left out, no matter the age." ~ Meet Charisma Grygorczuk, home child care provider from Balch Springs, Texas. |
No Kid Hungry Webinar Engaging Community Partners in Summer Meals Planning for the New Year School's Out, Food's In. Get effective strategies for community partner engagement as well as practical recommendations for developing and implementing a plan to improve and/or expand your summer meals program. |
Start Simple with MyPlate Are you looking for fun ways to teach kids about healthy eating? Use grocery shopping to teach kids about food and nutrition. Get more printables and activities from USDA. |
Why attend the National Child Nutrition Conference?
Celebrating CACFP All Year Long Chinese New Year Looking for activity flyers you can send to parents or providers to help spread the word about CACFP while sharing fun activities centered around days of celebration? Members have access to a library of activity pages! Here's one from us to you to share today. |
Nutrition Education CACFP Weekly Menu Template We're making menu planning easier! Get this fill-in-the-blank weekly menu template to plan and post your CACFP menu. #CACFPCreditable reimbursable portion sizes are listed too. |
Priorities Matter #ProvidersRock #LongDaysShortYears #JanuaryMotivationMoments |
CACFP Week Coming March 2020 Get ready to celebrate National CACFP Week by downloading our awareness image to share on social media! Find more program materials at |
Industry Partner Spotlight Novick Childcare Solutions provides all the services, food and essentials you need to get the most from your nutrition program and budget. Their passionate team of childcare specialists does the heavy lifting on everything form menu planning and staff training to all the details parents look for in a center, freeing you to focus on what you do best. |
Industry Partner Spotlight Nutrition Matters provides creative and colorful nutrition education tools, curriculum, and training materials for child care providers and parents. Visit their website for a variety of books, cards and tear sheets with meal and snack ideas, recipes and parenting tips which are written by Registered Dietitian Nutritionists in Public Health Nutrition. |
Jollof Rice 1 cup enriched rice 2 cups crushed tomatoes 1 cup diced sweet onion 1/2 cup mixed vegetables, frozen 1 vegetable or chicken bullion cube for seasoning 1 tablespoon vegetable oil 1 cup water Dice onions and saute in vegetable oil for five minutes. Add in tomatoes and bullion and bring to light boil and simmer for ten minutes until the tomatoes reduce to thick sauce. Stir in the vegetables, rice, and water. Cover and cook for about 20 minutes, until rice has cooked and absorbed all the liquids. |
New Year Business Review Going into 2020 you may be looking for ways to enhance your business management toolbox. We've got you covered with these 12 tips on managing your program. |
Nominations Open for Board of Directors 2010-2023 Term The National CACFP Sponsors Association has three (3) seats up for election this year to serve on the Board of Directors. Elected Board Members will begin serving their three-year term October 1, 2020. Nominations deadline is January 29, 2020. Members Learn More |
USDA Publishes 2019 Child Nutrition Tables |
Discover New Resources from our Exhibitors & Sponsors at the National Child Nutrition Conference |
Trending on Facebook Join the #NationalCACFP community on Facebook for crafts, snacks and other clever ideas shared daily. Get a dose of what's in the news, policy changes, and CACFP specific issues. Resources, printables, and more! Please Forward Share our CACFP Connections with your colleagues and friends so they can get our eNews delivered directly to their inbox! |
USDA CACFP Meal PatternThirty on Thursdays Webinars Looking for 30-minute online training webinars supporting the CACFP updated meal patterns? Team Nutrition's CACFP Halftime: Thirty on Thursdays Training Webinars are recorded for anytime learning. Take the quiz and get your training certificate for any of these topics:
Go to Recorded Webinars |
CACFP Buyers' Guide Online Everything you need in one place! Are you looking for food service companies, insurance, technology resources or educational materials, but don't know where to look? We've just launched the Buyer's Guide and are thrilled to welcome these companies in our introductory month!
More About Membership Sponsors and agencies, be sure to renew your membership for continued access to resources and member discounts. Want to join our association for the first time? Learn more about the benefits of membership and decide which membership is the best fit for your organization. |
More Resources Available at |