February 27 is National Strawberry Day! Enjoy a simple and delicious recipe and a free activity page. You may know that strawberries are usually in season from June to July - maybe you've grown your own strawberries and have frozen them for use in out-of-season recipes. Check out our Meal Pattern Minute on home-frozen fruits to be in the know about how it applies to the CACFP.
Our Standard Registration period closes on February 28, so save your spot before the price increases by $80! You can join us in San Diego or on Zoom from April 10-14 for as low as $479.
USDA has proposed revisions to Child Nutrition Programs' meal patterns. We're partnering with USDA and other organizations to host a webinar on March 1 at 2:30 pm Eastern to discuss how these changes would impact the CACFP and SFSP. After the webinar, we'll be hosting our own Q&A session for our NCA members and their feedback.
USDA released its annual adjustment to the Income Eligibility Guidelines, which will be used in determining eligibility for free and reduced-price meals for the period from July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024.
The Humane Society of the United States, as a part of the Forward Food Collaborative, works with institutions around the country to increase plant-based options served on menus and reduce the production and consumption of animal products. They work with both large food service management companies and individual self-operated institutions by providing a variety of free resources, including culinary trainings, plant-based recipes, marketing tips and tricks, and greenhouse gas assessments. Their goal is that, by 2025, 50% of the total meals offered in institutional dining programs in the United States are plant-based.