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February 11, 2020 eNews
Celebrating CACFP All Year Long Valentine's Day Looking for activity flyers you can send to parents or providers to help spread the word about CACFP while sharing fun activities centered around days of celebration? Members have access to a library of activity pages! Here's one from us to you to share today. |
Elmo's Strawberry Pops 2 cups strawberries 1 cup Greek yogurt 3/4 tsp lemon juice 1/2 tsp vanilla Puree strawberries and lemon juice in blender. Mix yogurt and vanilla together. Layer the strawberry puree and the yogurt into four popsicle molds. Freeze until slightly set and then add the stick into mold. Continue freezing until ready to eat! |
Nutrition Education Sugar Limits in Yogurt Yogurt is a great source of protein and meat alternate in the CACFP because most kids love to eat yogurt. Make sure you are serving #CACFPCreditable yogurt in your meals and snacks. |
CACFP Week 2020 Together we can raise awareness of how the CACFP works to combat hunger. Learn what you can do to promote the CACFP and advocate with a press release, a letter to congress, and a request for proclamation specifically for CACFP Week. |
Industry Partner Spotlight Smart Lunches offers industry leading quality, reliability and value for preschools, child care centers and schools that want to offer delicious, hot meals. Everything is prepared off-site and delivered fresh daily in temperature-controlled totes. Both boxed lunches and family style service are available. Currently serving the metropolitan regions of Boston, Chicago, Philadelphia and Washington DC as well as most of Maryland and Northern New Jersey. To explore a partnership, contact Smart Lunches! |
CACFP Professionals Certification Do you have experience with the food program and regularly expand your knowledge with continuing education? Get your certification! |
Core Exercises for Preschoolers Serving healthy foods is a great way to help children build a foundation of healthy habits. Teaching fun physical activities each day is also important. |
POLICY ALERT Proposed Rules for the CACFP Recently, the USDA published proposed rules that will impact CACFP operators. Join our friends at the USDA & FRAC to learn about the proposed rules covering CACFP Meal modifications, a request for input on allowing grain-based desserts in the CACFP, and options for streamlining the application process for CACFP institutions to apply for the SFSP. February 14, 2020 at 1:00 Eastern, 12:00 Central, 11:00 Pacific Time Additionally, the NCA Policy Committee is reviewing these and the Proposed Information Collection for the CACFP, surveying members, and will be sharing model comments in the near future. |
Conference Scholarships Awarded It was an honor to learn about each of the 900 conference scholarship applicants and the great work they are doing in their community to ensure that all children have access to healthy foods. Here are the 16 recipients who will be attending this April in Atlanta, GA:
Join the Food Program Serving healthy meals and snacks in your family home care, center or afterschool site? Join the food program today to get funds as reimbursement for serving #cacfpcreditable meals and snacks. |
Summer Food Service Program 2020 Reimbursement Rates Published Serving meals in the summer? USDA has published the 2020 Summer Food Service Reimbursement Rates. |
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