We hope you're able to take some time to relax and spend time with your loved ones over the holiday break. The team here at NCA will be doing the same, so we want to remind you that our offices will be closed starting this Friday, December 23, and will reopen on Tuesday, January 3.
Here are some holiday activities to get you through the break:
Our new recipe is filled with cozy holiday flavor and whole grain-rich! Be sure to keep reading to see a fun way to use these pancakes in this week's "What Are You Serving Up?" section.
USDA Team Nutrition just released a new web quiz to test your knowledge of whole grains! Need help finding answers? Check out our many resources on grains, located on Meal Patterns page of our website.
Maureen Lyons submitted this festive and #CACFPCreditable breakfast - a Santa pancake with mixed fruit. What a great way to get into the holiday spirit while serving nutritious, healthy foods!
Do you know providers who have not yet signed up for the CACFP? Forward this email or share these links to help spread the word about how they can start getting reimbursed for the healthy meals and snacks that they might already be serving.