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August 31, 2021 eNews

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August 31, 2021 eNews

Serving Snacks in the CACFP

Registration is now open for USDA Team Nutrition's upcoming webinar, which will show CACFP operators how to plan and prepare reimbursable snacks for the children and adults in their care.

Thursday, September 23, 2021
2:00 - 2:30 pm ET (English)
3:00 - 3:30 pm ET (Spanish)

Integrating Local Foods into Child Nutrition Programs

If you would like to incorporate more local foods into your program, take a look at this new fact sheet from the USDA.

Corn, Zucchini and Tomato Pie

This recipe from USDA uses fresh vegetables that are currently in season and should be easy to find at most farmers' markets. Season with lemon juice and fresh dill for a delicious vegetable medley.

Presentation Proposals Due

We invite you to share your story, expertise, experience and passion with our attendees at the 2022 National Child Nutrition Conference. Submit your presentation proposal for a workshop, shop talk or training academy session by September 1, 2021.

CACFP Professionals Shoutout 

Highlight your commitment to staying current with nutrition education by earning your CACFP Professional Certification like Katy Reasoner and Thomas Cencula. 

Are you looking to showcase your knowledge and experience as a child nutrition professional?

Virtual Summit Bonus Sessions

Be sure to stick around for the last sessions of the day from 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm Eastern on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at the 2021 CACFP Virtual Summit. Monday's session will be about all things policy, we'll end Tuesday with a presentation on our CACFP Professional Certification program, and check out Wednesday's session to learn about the nutrition education resources that are available for free on our website.

What's New on

Find more educational resources on our Recipes & Menus section. This page includes exclusive recipe resources, a guide to food planning during the pandemic, and guides to various #CACFPCreditable foods.

Recipes Education

Farm to Table

Local foods and growing your own garden can get kids more excited to try new produce. Download this free activity sheet for ideas on how to teach kids how their food is grown, a recipe for a tasty garden stir fry and instructions on how to build your own container garden.

Featured Member Resource

With Labor Day coming up next Monday, it's a great time to teach kids about the importance of those who work in our communities. If you're an NCA member, you have access to our Community Helpers worksheets, available on the Toolkits page of our website.

Join the Food Program

Serving meals and snacks in your family home care or child/adult care center?

Join the food program today to get funds as reimbursement for serving #CACFPCreditable meals and snacks.

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