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August 2, 2022 eNews

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August 2, 2022 eNews

Snack Attack

Try out these #CACFPCreditable snacks when you plan your next grocery trip:

Orange slices and string cheese

Corn bread and baked Brussels sprouts

Soft-boiled eggs and toast points

Whole grain roll and cucumber-tomato salad

Papaya chunks and roasted chickpeas

National Breastfeeding Month

The entire month of August is recognized in the US as National Breastfeeding month. Check out the USDA's resources to educate and support all of those who care for infants.

Visit Website

Eat Smart to Play Hard

Get the final installment of the Summer Food, Summer Moves series from USDA. This segment focuses on how making good dietary choices can help kids get the energy they need to perform their favorite activities.

Download the Toolkit in English and Spanish

Last Week to Order Child Nutrition Today Magazines

Orders for the 2022-2023 edition of Child Nutrition Today magazine close on Tuesday, August 9. At 16 pages, this concise resource is a must-have for any child care provider. As a bonus, you'll receive a FREE printed copy of our Identifying Whole Grain-Rich Quick Guide with each issue. 

Order Today

Shout Out to These CACFP Professionals

When parents are looking for a child care provider or child care providers are looking for a sponsoring agency, and when you're hiring staff for your CACFP agency, candidates with the CACFP Professional Certification stand out.

Get Your Professional Certification Today

Motivation Moment



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Featured Member Resource

National Friendship Day is celebrated on the first Sunday in August. If you're an NCA member, you have access to our Friendship Day activity page, which comes with a #CACFPCreditable recipe, activities and a craft. Become a member today to download, print and share exclusive resources!

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Open Positions in the CACFP

If you're looking for a new job opportunity, be sure to check our website. Currently, there are 10 positions looking to be filled, with new postings added regularly!

Browse Open Positions

Do you want to join the team at NCA? We're currently searching for an Executive Assistant & Administrator and a Partnership Development Associate. Learn more and apply today!

If you're an NCA member and would like to advertise an open opsition, you can post to our job opportunities page from your Info Hub

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