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April 26, 2022 eNews

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April 26, 2022 eNews

CACFP Inspire Award Winners Recognized

NCA named winners for the CACFP Inspire Awards at the National Child Nutrition Conference in New Orleans last week. The awards celebrated the incredible individuals and organizations who reimagined and executed the CACFP during the pandemic, especially those who overcame public health challenges and went above and beyond expectations to continue to provide for those they serve.

Meet the Winners

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Caprese Bruschetta

Bruschetta is an easy, summery snack to put together. This is also a great recipe to use if you grow your own tomatoes or basil in a garden. Get 1/2 cup of vegetable and 1 oz eq whole grains with this recipe from USDA Team Nutrition.

Get the Recipe for 6, 25 or 50 Servings

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USDA Announces Flexibilities for Child Nutrition Programs

At the National Child Nutrition Conference, USDA announced that states could apply for available flexibilities that would be effective July 1, 2022. Flexibilities are available for non-congregate feeding, meal service times and parent-guardian pick up. More information on these flexibilities coming soon. Check with your State agency to see if they plan to submit a request for these flexibilities.

Learn More


Dig In! Gardening Guide

If you're new to planting a garden, check out this guide from USDA that will help you in every step from knowing what type of garden to plant to every phase of cultivating and harvesting your delicious, fresh produce.

Download Guide

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Thank You to Our Afterschool Professionals

Afterschool Professionals Appreciation Week is celebrated from April 25-29. We would like to take the time to thank everyone who operates the CACFP during out-of-school hours.

We invite you to take some time to watch our Shop Talk with No Kid Hungry's first-ever cohort of Afterschool Meals Champions. Hear ideas, insights and get inspiration in this 30-minute on-demand webinar.

Register for Webinar On-Demand

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Industry Partner Spotlight

National Enrichment Group is the leading nutrition, health, wellness and education management group for all nonprofit and social service agencies in the Tri-State and nationally. Its mission is Enhancing Communities. National Enrichment Group provide services to Early Childhood Programs and Enrichment for Pre-K-12 (elective and afterschool) and older adults. They provide a multitude of training sessions, virtually and in person for participants, staff and leadership. Topics include: CACFP, Nutrition, Health and Wellness, Maintenance, Health and Safety, Trauma, Cultural Sensitivity, Leadership and Teamwork and more!

Learn More About National Enrichment Group

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CACFP Professionals Spotlight

Take it from Annetta Rutland and Jennie Sweet, who have more than a combined 80 years' experience in the CACFP - pursuing a CMP or CCNP is a way to demonstrate your dedication to the food program and continuing your education within it.

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Find Out If You Qualify Today

USDA Seeks Public Comment for Future Dietary Guidelines

As the first step in the development process of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2025-2030, the USDA is releasing proposed scientific questions for public comment. The deadline to weigh in is May 15, 2022.

Submit Your Comments

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Counting Animals Training Module

Our Counting Animals nutrition calendar is more than a gorgeous addition to any classroom. Each copy also comes with access to a five-hour training module with meal patterns, best practices, healthy habits, parent connections, business records and additional training tips. Prepare for 2023 with this must-have resource for any provider.

Order the 2023 Training Program and Nutrition Calendar

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Featured Member Resource

May Day, celebrated on the first day of May, is coming up this Sunday. If you're an NCA member, you have access to this free May Day activity page, as well as many other holiday resources.

Access Member Resources

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World Veterinary Day

Celebrate veterinarians around the world on April 30 with this free activity page from our "Community Helpers" collection.

Download the Activity Page

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Join the Food Program

Serving meals and snacks in your family home care or child/adult care center?

Join the food program today to get funds as reimbursement for serving #CACFPCreditable meals and snacks.

Find a Sponsor

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